More Than a Name
For the third year at this location, a curated group of artists will come together on May 15th and 16th to celebrate the democratization of urban art.
“More Than a Name” will host 20 artists from around the Northwest. Their goal: turn the construction fencing at 87th and Greenwood into a giant collaborative work of art. These dedicated artists will brighten up the Greenwood neighborhood (and the future home of the Hemlock Apartments) with a wide array of colors and designs.
Drive by, honk, wave, or view at a safe distance as they paint!
Participating Artists:
They Drift @theydrift
Zaeos @zaeos
179 @onesevennine
Kango @kan_goe
Joseph Brooks @josephbrooksart
Ksra @ksra_ksra
Josephine Rice @josephinerice.flower
Glynn Rosenburg @glynn. @rosenburg
Merlot @merlotism
KevinDrake @drakesignanddesign
CreaturePanic @creaturepanic
Dozer @dozer_art
David Teichner @openairdance